Harry Potter: 5 Boyfriends (& Girlfriends) We’d Love To Date (5 We Wouldn’t)

Harry Potter has had plenty of couples over the years that fans can and can’t get behind. Audiences have seen what these characters are like in relationships, which demonstrates whether they are good to have as a boyfriend or girlfriend.

Some of them seem horrendous to be in a relationship with for various reasons, while others could make the perfect romantic connection. Here are 5 characters we’d hate to date and 5 from other relationships that would make a perfect partner.

10 Wouldn’t Love To Date: Cho Chang

Cho Chang hasn’t exactly had a great run of love. Her first boyfriend was killed by Voldemort and her second was more of a rebound that quickly fizzled out and resulted in Harry Potter dating Ginny instead.

Cho needs some time to find out who she is now and so she wouldn’t be great to date in the near future. She needs to take a break from boyfriends and genuinely get over Cedric first.

9 Would Love To Date: Hermione Granger

Hermione Granger is incredibly intelligent and that’s a huge plus to dating her. She’s an incredibly bright witch with a brilliant future. She’s also genuinely kind, as shown by her work with the house elves.

Her and Ron’s relationship is magical to watch and although it has had its ups and downs there would definitely be a great foundation to build upon if anyone started dating someone like Hermione.


8 Wouldn’t Love To Date: Harry Potter

Harry Potter is impulsive, a bad listener, and pretty reckless. He gets into trouble quite a lot and doesn’t seem to be able to work on a relationship very well. He wouldn’t be a great boyfriend.

Although he eventually maintains a successful relationship it’s not without his flaws. He often says completely the wrong thing at the wrong time and there are big consequences to his words.

7 Would Love To Date: Luna Lovegood

Luna Lovegood is quirky and kind and actually could make a pretty fun girlfriend. There would be plenty to do with her and lots of fun date ideas. She seems to never be bored and always finding new activities.

Although her personality is a little different, there wouldn’t be any other people like her out there to date. Neville and Luna certainly make an interesting combination because of this.

6 Wouldn’t Love To Date: Ginny Weasley

Ginny Weasley is another character that is a little bit reckless. She was quite intense when she was younger and got herself into terrible situations, including with an actual horcrux.

As she has gotten older she has become more headstrong, which seems to work for Harry who is equally as reckless. In a normal relationship however it seems that Ginny might be too intense and make too many bad decisions.

5 Would Love To Date: Dean Thomas

Dean Thomas is a perfect boyfriend in many ways. He’s very loyal and hard working and clearly respects women. He’s a bit of a hero, fighting in the Battle of Hogwarts alongside his peers.

He seems to have made the right decisions throughout and was quite a good boyfriend for Ginny. It was only that she still fancied Harry that it all fell apart, but Dean should get another chance.

4 Wouldn’t Love To Date: Lavender Brown

Lavender Brown is absolutely horrendous to have as a girlfriend. She’s over the top, often jealous and makes terrible presents. She’s also loving and caring but that doesn’t mean she isn’t too much to handle.

Ron clearly had a terrible time when the two were together and it didn’t inspire anyone else to try and date her after this. She’s perhaps a bit too quirky for a lot of people.

3 Would Love To Date: Neville Longbottom

Neville Longbottom has grown and matured over the years. He has a lot of useful knowledge that he should be respected for and is certainly caring. He’s also always been the underdog.

He completely understands many situations and is a great emotional support. He’d make a pretty great boyfriend and eventually is a great husband too, with a successful marriage.

2 Wouldn’t Love To Date: Draco Malfoy

Perhaps it’s because of his parents, his former love for dark magic, his aggressive and arrogant attitude, or the fact that his friends are all criminals, but Draco isn’t a great guy to date.

Even though he’s had a successful marriage, there’s something about Draco that could never be trusted. He is a murderer after all which never bodes well for any relationship based on trust.

1 Would Love To Date: Nymphadora Tonks

Tonks would be a lot of fun to date as she’s still a teenager at heart. She never really grew up and therefore knows how to have a lot of fun. There would be lots of great dates in store!

She’s a very intelligent and capable witch as well, which is always a bonus and she’s proven that she could have been a great mother if the relationship is looking to go long term!

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